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burnt paper with a candle: The Disconsolate a novel by b elizabeth bell

Aislin receives an unexpected phone call from James’ brother. The only man she’s ever loved is dead. She immediately packs her car and starts the long drive from the Pacific Northwest to her college town. Settling into the guestroom at James’ mansion is complicated by the uneasy company of his widow.

 As the summer heat winds down in Coachella Valley, California, Aislin finds James haunting the hallways. Death cannot stop love and sparks reignite.

But it turns out that Aislin isn’t the only one who can see James. Soon, a spiral of uncertainty ensnares the family. A plan to help him move on conflicts with the pain of saying goodbye forever. Questions arise about the mystery of his death, and the family scrambles to cover up a secret that will tear them apart.

Aislin, the disconsolate, was fortified and dangerous and felt she was losing the ability to reason. With purpose, she turned the pages to Paul Hoover’s poem titled ‘Desire’, page four-hundred and eighty-seven, with the pressed rose petals, and all at once, they fell to the concrete. She watched them blow away, over the grey and into the hot sand. Some of them stuck there at an angle, looking like fish fins churning out of the earth. She imagined that the fish had gone into battle with the ants; that neither side could win. Battles could never be won with old rose petals.

First letterpress project for The Disconsolate: a gravestone bookmark.

Final IPRC project: a cover for my novel and a four chapter excerpt.

The front was letterpressed and the back was laid out in InDesign and printed before letterpress production.